Consulting Services
General Wellness Consultation (90 mins)
Are you feeling less than your best these days? Are you struggling with motivation and know you can feel better - but unsure where to start? Are you feeling a little "fluffy" and want to lighten up? Have you been slipping on your healthy habits and want some direction and help to get back on board? ...This consult is for you!
We will do a general overview and put some "pep back into your step" by incorporating:
Nutrition recommendations
Lifestyle recommendations
Exercise recommendations
Mindset and motivational coaching
Nutrition 101 (120 mins)
Do you keep getting bits and pieces of information, but feel like you don’t understand how to make healthy choices for yourself and your family? Do you stare blankly at food labels, feeling like it’s a whole other language? Are you wondering if your food choices are making you chubby and tired? Do you need someone to sit down with you and help it all make sense? This consult is for you.
Protein, Fats and Carbohydrates
How to identify foods in your fridge & cupboard
Simple vs. Complex Carbohydrate & Sugars
Calories vs. grams
How to read food labels properly
Q & A
***Kitchen Clean-Up available to purchase along with this package (this is an in-home visit)
***Grocery Store Tours available to purchase along with this package (this is a one-on-on visit to your grocery store)
Iridology Consultation (75-90 mins)
Do any of these symptoms sound familiar?
Constant fatigue, trouble sleeping or aches and pains?
Intense cravings or is your weight creeping up?
Heart burn, indigestion, or bloating?
Gas, diarrhea or constipation?
Hot flashes, night sweats or troublesome periods?
This Iridology consult gives you a general idea of what is happening in your body on both a physical and emotional level. Likewise from a preventative standpoint, this consult arms us with information to put you on the right track. If you are looking for a place to start...This consult is for you.
I use Iridology with many of my clients as a tool to assess and gather an understanding of what is going on in the body.
Menu Make-Over (90 mins)
Do you know you need to make some changes with your eating patterns, but don’t know where to start? Do you want some simple and realistic changes to incorporate into your menu to work towards your wellness goals? Are you wanting to help your body work more efficiently, but unsure how to do it? Do you want to ease into healthy eating gently, or tweak your current menu? This is the consult for you.
Let’s face it, life is busy! Often despite our best efforts, we aren’t able to make big changes in our daily lives. But who says you have to? If you are looking to make some small and attainable changes to your daily routine, Menu Make-Over is a great fit for you! Together we will look at how you typically eat for 1 weekend and 3 week days, and make realistic changes you can immediately incorporate for permanent and lasting results!
My Menu-Make-Over program has been a favorite among my clients since the beginning! For those who don’t want to overhaul their lives – this is a perfect and convenient compromise.
In-Depth Consultation (120 mins)
Have you been struggling with some issues for quite some time? Have you tried other avenues with no success? Does your gut tell you that something is wrong when everyone else tries to tell you that it’s all in your head? If you need someone to listen – really listen – and help you put it all together? This is the consult for you.
This consultation involves a personally created in-depth questionnaire as an additional method of analysis. This consult requires time for paperwork and you putting your thinking cap on. Before you come to see me for this consultation – I need you to start reflecting on your life and your health and ALL your symptoms. We are going to get to the nitty-gritty here. You want answers – and we are going to get to the bottom of things
Cycle Sensei (60 mins)
Do you want your daughter to have more education about her body, and understand her cycle? Are you unsure yourself or uncomfortable having this conversation with her? Are you uncertain of her knowledge and confidence with her body, and want to make sure she is armed with the information she needs and a positive role model? Say no more. Perhaps she needs a Cycle Sensei.
A note to Mom: You are welcome to sit in on this consultation if you wish. Before we begin with your daughter though – we will have a chat about what this consult will cover. I want you to be completely comfortable with all of the conversation and questions that might arise from it, and I want you to understand my comfort level also. As we will be in understanding of each other, this consult will be money well spent!
Weight-Loss Partner Package
*Iridology Assessment or In-depth prerequisite highly recommended to ensure desired results *
Have you tried time and time again to lose weight with no success, or lost a few pounds only to gain them back plus more? Do you need extra help...both educational and emotional? Do you need a partner and a friend to support you and keep you accountable to achieve the results you desire? This package is for you. (Please note: Weight-Loss Partner Package is an in-home visit.)
Menu Make-over
Menu Guidelines/Details
Strategic Exercise Planning
2 Weekly Motivational/Check-in Emails
Healthy Habits Check List & Journal
Motivational Packages and Weigh-Ins can be purchased along with this package.
Kitchen Clean-Up (this is a home visit) and Grocery Store Tour (this is a one-on-one visit to your grocery store can be purchased along with this package.
Life Coaching (60 minutes)
Do you want to make some changes in your life, but while having good intentions, always seem unable to actually make them? Do you know that there are many possibilities that lay before you, but they always seem a little (or a lot) outside of your reach? Do you feel like it’s time to move in a new direction, but don’t know how to make the change or where to even begin? If this sounds familiar, this consultation is for you.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (45 minutes)
Do you find yourself repeating the same negative patterns over and over? Are you struggling to understand why you are making some decisions or life choices that aren’t working for you, yet you continue to make them? Do you understand that you have the answers within yourself, but need some help to access them? If you are feeling ‘stuck’ and ready to go deeper and get to the root, this consultation is for you.