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If I Give - You Give! Donating $10 For Each New Consult.

Tricia Nickl

Did you know that ‘giving back’ has scientific research to support it positive effects on mood and wellbeing? Several studies indicate that acts of kindness are associated with improved mental health. It appears that the act of “giving back’ stimulates the reward centers of the brain and helps create happy feelings. Part of that happiness is explained by folks to indicate that they have improved feelings of self-worth and a sense of purpose! Wow! It really is a win-win!

So in effort to do my part and lead by example, as well as improve my mental wellbeing – I will be donating $10.00 for every new client that comes to see me in the month of December, and any new service offered to existing clients in the month of December.

(This does not include follow-ups) The money can be delegated to one of three charities of your choice:

  1. St. Johns Soup Kitchen – located in Kitchener, a gathering place for those experiencing homelessness, at risk for homelessness or street involved.

  1. Ronald McDonald House –provide families of sick children with a home to stay at while their child is being treated at a nearby hospital.

  1. KW Humane Society – providing shelter and education in the humane treatment of animals in Kitchener Waterloo area.

It is the season and reason to give back. Join me in giving!

Hmm. Food for thought!

…Stay Healthy Friends! :0)

T xo

Tricia Nickl Holisitic Nutrition & Iridology

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Waterloo location:

550 Parkside Drive - A4

Waterloo, ON, N2L 5V4

Ancaster location:

1096 Wilson Road West

Ancaster, ON, L9G 3K9

Telephone: (519) 575-3059


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Copyright © 2017 Tricia Nickl

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